igoku Stefan Metzler

GeMa Stock meets Igoku with Stefan Metzler

IGOKU - " Inner balance reveals the power of the origin "

Igoku comes from the Japanese word "ugoku" and means: to move, to stir, to be moved, to walk, to run. Stefan Metzler has created his own training program based on the principles of Shiatsu, kinesiology and fascia techniques and he is constantly developing it further. Based on a holistic perspective, Igoku brings: relaxation, stress relief, fresh energy, vitality and well-being. Walking with a stick and barefoot Shiatsu are always part of the Igoku units. The beneficial effect of walking with a stick is appreciated and well received by all course participants. You can find more information at: www.igoku.at

We are very pleased that Stefan , as a "pole walking professional" , has agreed to test our GeMa poles at Igoku . Thank you very much for that!

We received the following feedback from Stefan:

"For many years, my Igoku course participants have appreciated the positive and beneficial effects of "walking with a stick". This time, all participants were positively surprised by the small, handy, visually very appealing GeMa sticks. The different Gema sticks literally invite you to "walk with a stick". Especially for my Igoku ladies, who tend to have cold feet, walking with a stick is a good way to sustainably support the body in bringing more warmth to the feet. If there is too much heat in the body, walking with a stick also helps to dissipate this heat and thus sustainably support the body in this dynamic. It grounds and thus literally brings the focus from the head and the daily carousel of thoughts back to the ground right down to the tips of the toes. The GeMa stick is a little thinner than the sticks I have used in the past and can therefore be felt more intensely. This is generally good for walking with a stick. For polished floors, I would definitely recommend a mat as a base.

Conclusion: Provides a good and intense body experience, visually very appealing and easy to carry because of its handy size.

Stefan regularly brings the GeMa poles with him to Igoku for pole walking . Perhaps you would like to get to know Stefan & Igoku - you can find more information about the courses at: www.igoku.at

We thank you very much!

Gerald & Marion

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