About Us
Gerald: I have been successfully working in global purchasing for various industrial companies for over 20 years. The topic of wood has been a constant companion during my professional career. In autumn 2023 I became self-employed as a sales agent and help companies to establish themselves in the respective market or to find suppliers. In the portfolio of my supplier network I also have wood processing companies that can produce our products sustainably and from European wood. Walking on the stick is now part of my daily compulsory exercise.
Marion: I have been offering training courses and workshops in the field of kinesiology and stress management since 2004. As a qualified psychological consultant with my own practice and a holistic view of people, it is very important to me to develop concrete and realistic solutions that prove themselves and can be permanently integrated into the everyday lives of my clients and course participants. I first came into contact with the stick around 20 years ago through the now deceased Shiatsu practitioner and Shiatsu teacher from The Shiatsu School of Attunement, Peter Krainer. Since then, the stick has accompanied me in my everyday life at home, in practice and at my seminars. Walking on the stick is so simple and extremely effective. The natural self-regulation process is activated and the whole body is balanced, which helps to achieve and maintain health and well-being. This simple self-help exercise has already inspired many course participants and clients and made them stick fit. I always struggled a lot with the journey to the seminars in particular. Getting the much too long broom sticks that you can buy in stores into my small car and out again is a challenge. Especially when I had more than 10 course participants and I had to transport a lot of broom sticks. A solution was needed, which I found together with Gerald. It had to be a nice, handy and practical stick, easy to transport and that you could buy immediately if you want. Our GeMa Stick meets these requirements. It is handy, looks good, is easy to store, ready for use at any time and best of all - can be used without an app and without electricity. For me personally, this handy stick is a magic wand with which I can actively and positively support my health at any time.
"If we spend less time on our smartphones and focus more on ourselves, we can discover happiness in everyday life much more easily. Instead of faster, further, higher - we would rather be more mindful, more flexible, slower and more human."
You can find more information about me and my work at: www.lemiki.at