instructions for brushing

Facial & peeling brush

Preparation: Cleanse your face as you normally would and then dry yourself thoroughly. Brush each part of your face 4-8 times in both stroking and circular movements.

Let's get started: Start at the décolleté and neck and then stroke from the middle of the face towards the hairline.

1. Start at the décolleté in a clockwise direction and with circular movements.

2. Brush your neck in sweeping movements towards your cheekbones, stretching your chin slightly upwards.

3. Now stroke from the chin along the lower jawbone towards the ear. Stroke one side first and then the other - it doesn't matter which side you start with.

4. Then place the brush under your nose and stroke both sides of your face alternately along your cheekbones towards your ear.

5. Now continue from the bridge of the nose on both sides with alternating stroking movements towards the cheeks.

6. The eye area, including the eyelids, is very sensitive because the skin under the eyes is very thin. Therefore, keep a little distance from the eyes and use the massage brush to gently brush around the eyes in a circular or stroking motion towards the temples. The rule here is: listen to your feelings - less is more.

7. Stroke along the bridge of the nose between the eyes up to the base of the forehead.

8. Once you reach your forehead, brush in several lines towards your hairline.

You will need around 4 minutes for the entire facial massage. Afterwards, you can pamper yourself with a rich facial care product. This treatment improves the blood flow to the skin and allows it to absorb care creams and skin oils particularly well. You can do this facial massage in the morning and evening on very dry skin. During or after the facial massage, you may experience a slight tingling sensation, slight redness or itching.

Final relaxation:

The tapping acupressure on the face to complete your facial massage begins at the top of your head. This cosmetic acupressure stimulates key points on the meridians in the face, which help to revitalize your facial muscles and skin. Tap with your fingertips, starting from the middle of your head, down to the sides of your ears, back to your neck, continue tapping/tapping to your forehead, eyebrows, temples, tap around your eyes with very gentle pressure with your ring fingers, tap over your cheeks, under your nose, along your chin to your jaw joint. Open your mouth slightly and use your index and middle fingers to briefly massage your jaw joint in the shape of a figure eight. Then tap again up to your ear, from your ear to your neck and down to your collarbone. You can't go wrong, trust your body intelligence 😉. Repeat this process as long and as often as it feels good to you.

Brush and pat yourself nicely because it feels good and because you are worth it...



Full body dry massage with the GeMa body massage brush

A brush massage gives your body new life energy. Your immune system is strengthened, the cardiovascular system is stimulated and the detoxification processes are supported. It is suitable for skin tightening when losing weight and stimulates your lymphatic system, which can alleviate existing cellulite somewhat. The nourishing and activating effect as well as the peeling effect are another advantage.

Application: We recommend that you do dry brushing first thing in the morning before you shower. This way you benefit from the stimulating and vitalizing effect and have a good start to the day. It is important that the movement is always directed towards the heart and from the outside in and from the bottom up, in a circular motion for around five minutes. Gently massage all areas of the body one by one: right leg from bottom to top, then the left leg, then the hands up to the shoulder (right before left), finally brush your stomach and chest area and back as far as you can reach. Then go into the shower to wash off the dry skin flakes. A contrast shower would be ideal because it has the following advantages: an intense body feeling, your mood barometer rises 😊, your body's heat regulation is improved, your heart is supported, your circulation is promoted, your metabolism is stimulated and your immune system is strengthened. Start warm and soon switch to cold - same process as with dry brushing, first legs then arms and finally the upper body. You can accompany your morning shower ritual with a Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr acoustically😂. This will help you to cope better with the repeated switching.😉 Conclusion: All in all, it's a treat for your whole body.

As a reminder:

"After the shower, is before walking on the stick."
