Walking on the stick
Old method with great effect
Walking on the stick is a Do-In exercise and is recommended by Shiatsu practitioners. The Japanese Do-In is a further development of the traditional Chinese Daoyin, the art of movement exercises for health care. The aim is to activate the body's self-healing powers using foot acupressure and to balance out a physical or psychological imbalance. The GeMa Stick or walking on the stick can be used to treat a variety of complaints.
is an applied healing method in which blunt pressure is applied to defined areas of the body. The thumb, palm, elbow, knee, foot or an acupressure stick are used as aids to apply the pressure. Acupressure is part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and can be used by laypeople or by the affected person themselves. The GeMa stick specifically stimulates the foot reflex zones.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins where your feet stand.”
(Quote from the Tao Te King)