GeMa Stock besucht Unternehmerin, Networkerin, Impulsgeberin Stefanie Jahn

GeMa Stock visits entrepreneur, networker, and initiator Stefanie Jahn

Stefanie Jahn has been accompanying people on their personal journeys in a friendly manner for over 13 years, on a variety of levels. Stefanie is an enthusiastic entrepreneur and studied economics. A key part of her passion is to initiate transformation and rethinking processes with her authentic work. Touching people's hearts with spoken words and inspiring new ways of thinking in their minds is one of Stefanie Jahn's strengths. Over the past ten years, Stefanie has been able to give hundreds of lectures, organize workshops and keynote speeches in the areas of personal development, business development, health, awareness and more.

During our test phase "GeMa Stock visits Bowentech with Gertrude Jahn", Stefanie unexpectedly came into contact with our heart project and the GeMa Stock through her mother. We are very pleased because Stefanie is successfully implementing her own heart project and our GeMa heart project or walking with a stick is helpful and supportive. Co-creation and cooperation are something that is very important to Stefanie and us.

"I have now integrated walking with a cane into my everyday life and have been able to experience the strengthening and supportive effect of GeMa walking with a cane. In our fast-paced everyday life, it is a great advantage to support our (physical) system on a variety of levels, for example by activating, draining or relaxing. With this simple foot reflexology massage, the body quickly finds its balance and this has a very positive effect on one's own well-being."

You can find out more about Stefanie Jahn at:

Dear Stefanie, we are very pleased that our GeMa sticks are not only popular with you, but also at your workshops and your Instagram reels, that they are well received and that more and more people are using them. What we really appreciate about you is that what you want to ignite in others burns within you. Authentic, unfiltered and real. Thank you very much for that.

Gerald & Marion

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