Christina und Georg Lugger

Podcast Interview and Breakfast with Christina and Georg Lugger

A few weeks ago, Christina and Georg Lugger invited us to a breakfast and interview for the podcast happinessbalance . There, Christina (kinesiologist & mentor) and Georg (health management & mountain hiking guide) talk to a wide variety of people about a wide variety of topics. In podcast 055 from April 18, 2024, we talked about the GeMa project , walking with sticks, co-creation, creation processes and the concept of holism.

In February, Christina and I (Marion) spoke on the phone again after a long time. Christina and Georg are also in the process of implementing an ingenious health project with a cooperation partner. At the time, we found it interesting that we had started a project at the same time and independently of each other and wanted to keep each other up to date. A few days after the GeMa shop opening, Christina and Georg asked us "Want to do a podcast?" On the one hand, we were happy about the request and the interest, but then the excitement came. That's just how it is the first time 😉. So is it better to stay in your comfort zone and say no? There are enough reasons not to do something, such as: hearing yourself talk is always strange at first and sounds weird because it somehow doesn't sound like yourself. Talking in a short space of time (max. 30 minutes) about what concerns us, has shaped us and perhaps cost us a lot of courage isn't that easy, we thought. Not forgetting to mention all the wonderful people who supported this project (which of course happened😳) also kept us busy beforehand. Summarizing the many components of the GeMa project "Old knowledge rediscovered, our vision and holistic & heart project" in a way that everyone can understand seemed to be another challenge for us, which we ultimately faced. According to our motto: GeMa's on.❤️

We were warmly welcomed by Christina and Georg, treated to coffee and cake, and the lovely, carefree atmosphere helped us to become calmer and more relaxed with every word and every minute. This time the focus of the interview was on the GeMa project . Their project, which is about bees, nature and life, is still in the development phase. Next time we will find out more about their project. We are already looking forward to it and wish them every success from the bottom of our hearts.

Our conclusion:

  • The enthusiasm for some things only comes over time – through DOING.
  • Some projects require you to get used to them – with friends at your side, this happens very quickly.
  • Many great projects are probably abandoned far too early, simply because they are not immediately fun, cause doubt and excitement and are difficult at first. That's why it's important to leave your comfort zone every now and then.
  • A podcast strengthens the network
  • You can learn wonderfully from each other through conversations.

To the podcast

If you like, have a listen and leave us and Christina and Georg some feedback on how you liked the episode.

❤️Thanks for that.

Gerald & Marion

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