Schritt für Schritt ins Neue Jahr

Step by Step into the New Year

New moments, new learning tasks, new challenges, new memories, new happiness…

I hope you had a great New Year and arrived well into the new year. Did you start the new year with lots of good resolutions? Live healthier, eat and smoke less, do more sport and spend less time online: breaking our routines is often not that easy.

Follow your bliss and don't be afraid. And doors will open that you had no idea existed. (Joseph Campbell)

Sometimes the truth is so unpleasant that we don't even want to hear it. But the only way to change something starts with this uncomfortable truth! Unfortunately, we all have that critical inner voice inside us that makes us feel bad or powerless because we "didn't manage it again".

“You YOURSELF put the biggest hurdles in your way, not others.”

To be honest, this will not help you achieve your wishes and goals for the new year or a happy and relaxed life in 2024.

You talk yourself down with your inner dialogues and thoughts and your self-esteem suffers as a result. The lower your self-esteem sinks, the less you will "trust yourself". The less you trust yourself, the less you will stand up for yourself and your needs. The more often you go through this cycle, the more frustrated and dissatisfied you become. Does this sound familiar?

"We often know what we need to do to achieve our goals and dreams, but we still hesitate. The fear of failure keeps us from entering the cage that holds our treasure." (Joseph Campbell)

Your goal should not be perfection, but a gradual improvement for your everyday life and your life. Focus on your small successes and progress, this perspective contributes to your motivation and helps you persevere. Motto:

"Today I achieved my goal!"

Be aware that failure or setbacks are normal, don't get upset, just start again the next day to get one step closer to your goal or wish. To keep an eye on your intermediate goals and progress, you can make regular notes. This way you know which steps you still have to take and you can see how far you have already come. Celebrate your success and...

Be proud of yourself!

The fact that you have decided to improve something in your life is already something to be proud of. The more often you celebrate yourself or remind yourself of how positive your efforts are, the more motivated you will be to persevere. This in turn strengthens your confidence and self-esteem.

Step by step…

  • Set priorities and make decisions – 1 goal instead of 3 goals at the same time.
  • Planning – What do I want to achieve? When, how and where will I do it?
  • Implementation - focus on the goal and think in advance about how you or others could motivate you to keep going in a difficult moment? Be kind to yourself if you don't manage to achieve things as planned. Motto: "Tomorrow is a new day".
  • Celebrate your successes

Stay on your path, move forward step by step and let the new year be your year.

If you need some support in realizing your wishes and goals, you have come to the right place.

For the new year I wish you all the best, good luck, health, success and the strength to follow your own path.

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)

Make it worth it to look after yourself lovingly. You are the most important person in your life!



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