Why the hands?

Your hands reflect the "here and now". You hold your health and your life in your hands. You have it in your own hands to get to know yourself or others better. If you cannot (yet) understand something, your hands become a mirror of your current development. If you go through your life with open hands, this symbolizes generosity and the willingness to receive. Open hands symbolize trust, relaxation and signal that you are receptive and have nothing to hide. But they can also indicate impatience and expectations, especially when you want to take something out of someone's hand or snatch it. The hand clenched in anger or the proverbial raised finger are very meaningful gestures that we are all familiar with. The closed hand symbolizes fear and tension and signals that you want to hide something or not let go of it. If you hold on to negative experiences, i.e. cannot or do not want to let go, you are burdening yourself. This is damaging to your mental and physical health. Holding on leads to tension and tightness throughout the body. “Letting go and starting over often go hand in hand”

Hand acupressure with the GeMa Stick or the GeMa Ball stimulates the heart relaxation point in the middle of the palm.